In this episode we look at the unique challenges for an HVAC technician in finding suitable housing. We also discuss energy-efficient housing and net zero ready buildings.
Monthly Archives: May 2020
How NOT to Make Housing More Affordable
“Economists from both the left and the right have a well-established aversion to rent control, arguing that such policies ignore the message of rising prices, which is to build more housing. Studies in San Francisco and elsewhere show that price caps often prompt landlords to abandon the rental business by converting their units to owner-occupied homes. “

HousingThink Podcast – Episode 10
In this episode, we discuss the challenges that administrative assistants and single parents have in finding workforce housing. In our news segment, we describe an innovative training incentive program for workforce housing renters.
Police Salaries in Charlotte, NC
Police officers are yet another profession that earn too much to live in affordable housing and too little to live in newer market rate apartments.
According to, the average Charlotte-area police salary currently stands at $44,540. This is 53% of the Charlotte-area median family income of $83,500. Assuming a rent qualification ratio of 30%, the average police officer can afford $1,113/month in rent. This is 25% below the typical rent for newer multifamily properties in the Charlotte area, forcing many police officers to move into older, less-desirable housing.,9_IM162_KO10,16.htm

HousingThink Podcast – Episode 9
This episode we discuss why police officers often have to live in older housing and sometimes face a long daily commute. We also address the growing popularity of the YIMBY movement.